Smith & Morey/Smith & Co./Morey & Ober/Morey & Smith (Boston, MA Pewterers)

(plus a few works of other pre-20th-century American pewterers)

Compiled by

Gary Wiggins


Last update: 6/19/2023

Thomas Smith, David B. Morey and R. H. Ober operated britannia companies in Boston in the 19th century. The companies were called:

  • Smith & Morey in 1841
  • Smith & Co. from 1842 to 1851
  • Morey & Ober from 1852-1856
  • Morey & Smith from 1857-1887
  • .

    The firm's founder, Thomas Smith, seems to have retired around 1864, but his son, Thomas Smith, Jr. continued as a britannia worker in the Boston area during most of the century (but not as a principal of the firm). The "Smith" in Morey & Smith from 1865-1881 was not Thomas Smith, but William Smith (a former bookkeeper with the firm). The "Morey" in Morey & Smith" from 1882-1887 was/were James M. Morey and Herbert Morey.

    With thanks to David Kilroy for the above information.
    See also: Richard L. Bowen, Jr. "Some SMITH & CO. Tea and Coffee Pots." Pewter Collectors Club of America Bulletin v. 7, no. 10 (1979), pp. 414-422.

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    NB: Some items pictured here were taken from images on the Web. Obviously, none of those were examined de visu. There is no guarantee of accuracy in those listings. Nothing on this page is for sale by Hoosier Pewter.


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Thumbnail No. Name/Description Mark
teapot 2 Morey & Ober teapot, short lighthouse style, double C handle, 5 1/8"" h, 7 1/8"" h to top of finial, 5 1/4"" d base" Mark
teapot 2 Morey & Ober teapot
teapot 3 Morey & Ober teapot
none Morey & Ober attrib. coffeepot, 7 7/8" h, 9 3/4" h to top of finial, 4 11/16" d base; base etched: 13 (or S) & O; scratched O L E 50; Finial grape cluster is smooth Etching
none Morey & Ober attrib. teapot, 6 1/8" h, 8 1/2" h to top of finial, 4 3/16" d base; finial grape cluster is smooth.
sugar none Morey & Ober attrib. sugar w, lid; handle broken/reattached; 5" h, 6 1/2" h to top of lid, 3 1/2" d base; grape cluster on finial is smooth and top circle is broken off; bottom etched: "BaE" and "17="
teapot 2 Morey & Ober tall pot
beaker 2 Morey & Ober beaker with handle Mark
teapot 2 Morey & Ober candlesticks
teapot 2 Morey & Ober lamps
lamp 2 Morey & Ober whale oil lamp Mark
7 Morey & Ober teapot; finial Mark
8 Morey & Smith teapot, 7" h, 9 1/2" to top of finial, 4 7/16" d base "WARRANTED" Mark
8 Morey & Ober teapot, eagle mark, elaborate grape cluster finial; 7" h, 9 1/4" h to top of lid; Finial Mark
none Smith & Morey teapot, WARRANTED; 6 1/8" h, 8" h to top of finial, 4 3/16" d base, lid partially attached; finial has loose larger partMark
? Smith & Morey teapot
none Morey & Smith teapot, 6 15/16" h, 8 3/16" h to top of finial, 4 3/8" d base; engraved at top; top, finial and handle each have one small hole; "WARRANTED" Mark

Thomas Danforth II plate, 7 7/8" wMark
2 Savage teapotMark
none H. B. Ward teapotMark
none Unknown teapot; View of handle
none Roswell Gleason (attributed) coffeepot, pear shaped, wooden finial (probably not original); repaired hole in bottom, base glued on; 10 3/4" h, 12" h to top of handle, 12" w, 4 3/4" d base