G. D. Wiggins, Indiana University Chemistry

Library, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 and Carol A. Drum,

University of Florida Marston Science Library, Gainesville,

Florida 32611


National Chemical Information Symposium

June 22, 1994

Burlington, Vermont


The academic chemistry librarian has a significant role to

play in providing the tools and skills needed by academic chemists

and students in their research, teaching, and learning.

That role should be clearly linked to the skills needed to iden-

tify, locate, and successfully use chemical information sources.

In this session, we will present an overview of the administra-

tive environment in which academic chemistry librarians must

operate, the challenge of electronic information services, our

physical environment, library acquisitions issues, our responsi-

bilities as teachers, and the exciting new frontier of the Inter-



More often than not the chemistry and other science

librarians in academic institutions lack formal degrees in the

subject areas being served. In fact, a recent survey of 142

University of California and California State University science

librarians found that nearly 60 percent of the respondents do not

believe that a scientific degree is needed by science or technol-

ogy librarians in academia. Attracted by the higher salaries in

industry, the few library school graduates each year who do have

scientific degrees typically choose to work in industrial special

libraries. Even without formal training in the disciplines

served, academic science librarians as a whole are dedicated to

providing high-quality service. However, they must often func-

tion in environments which require them to perform a much broader

range of functions in more complex work situations than their

counterparts in industry.

For many academic librarians, promotion, tenure, and salary

decisions are based on the same or similar criteria as for the

teaching faculty at their institutions. Over 2/3 of the higher

education institutions in the U.S. today grant full faculty

status to academic librarians, and another 7 percent of the

academic librarians have so-called academic status, which has

similar requirements. To succeed, they must show strong evidence

of professional activities and service leading to a regional or

national reputation, in addition to being judged on the quality

of the work performed as chemistry librarians. Unlike their

teaching faculty counterparts, the vast majority of the academic

librarians are on 12-month, not academic-year, appointments. The

service role, both in the local institution and in the profes-

sion, may take a considerable amount of a librarian's time.

Within the library, chemistry librarians function as manag-

ers, reference librarians, and increasingly as teachers of infor-

mation resources. Our role in the overall functioning of the

library system requires a lot of time and effort on behind-the-

scenes administrative tasks. We must also justify and manage the

acquisitions budget which now has demands placed on it for pur-

poses other than the traditional purchase of books and journals.

Teaching takes an increasing amount of the librarian's time in

the academic setting, an activity to be explored in more depth in

the second talk this morning.

Another major factor to contend with in the academic setting

is the academic computing center, which usually has control of

elements crucial to the success of library automation efforts,

such as networking and computer support services. Libraries have

generally had to carve their own computer staff out of the exist-

ing staff budget and place additional computer responsibilities

on other staff. Some of the issues involving the computer envi-

ronment in academic libraries will be dealt with in the final

paper this morning.

Often the chemistry library is physically located in the

chemistry building. This provides a great opportunity for the

chemistry librarian to get to know the clientele, but can result

in isolation from librarian colleagues in similar disciplines and

isolation from administrators who reside in a main library build-

ing across campus. If physically housed in a separate science

library, the situation is reversed. Getting to know and main-

taining contact with the clientele is much more difficult in that

situation, and the chance to develop customized services aimed at

the chemistry clientele is diminished. Being located in the

chemistry building has other advantages, among them, the possi-

bility of support from the chemistry department. This might take

the form of supplements to the student work force for special

projects or services, an allocation for supplies and expenses,

better computer equipment and support, and the opportunity for

closer involvement in teaching about chemical information re-


As more and more computer-based tools and services were

introduced into academic science libraries in the last two dec-

ades, the level of technostress has risen dramatically. In the

sciences, where the tools tend to be more complex and intellectu-

ally demanding, this is particularly true. Carol Drum will

present an overview of the issues involved in electronic informa-

tion services in academic libraries.

In a world that is becoming increasingly dependent on

computerization and as more information resources become

available in electronic formats, how can faculty and students

of chemistry develop the skills necessary to identify,

locate, and access information sources successfully? How can

we better define what competencies faculty, undergraduates,

and graduate students should have to enhance their information

gathering skills? In this talk we will present an overview of

issues in teaching and training, journal acquisitions and

access, electronic resources acquisitions and access, and the

physical environment. Within these broad areas we will

discuss the role of the academic chemistry/science librarian

in teaching information gathering skills; the impact

electronic publishing is having on access, space

considerations, and budgets; and the complexities of academic

library collection development/management. Furthermore, we

will explore the impact of faculty status on chemistry/science

librarians, the role of the chemistry/science librarian within

the library system, and the respective roles of the library

and the computer center. We will conclude with a projection

of future trends based on current patterns.

Academic chemistry librarians are not merely

caretakers of a collection of research and teaching materials.

They take a very active role in shaping the collection of on-site

materials, including electronic resources, and in training the

users of both print and electronic resources. In so doing,

academic chemistry librarians help shape the values and

expectations of service formed by students who will become

tomorrow's industrial chemists, chemical educators, and

researchers in academic and government institutions. To carry

out that role, a set of competencies must be defined by the

librarians. It is those skills which we strive to impart in both

students and faculty. However, some of our goals, such as end-

user searching, may be in conflict with the expectations of

industrial chemistry librarians.

Academic Chemistry collections have traditionally been

very print-oriented. Rising journal prices and an explosion of

electronic resources have forced all academic libraries to

evaluate their collections and move toward a special libraries

model of collection management and development. This model is

geared toward supporting the current research and teaching efforts

of the institution, rather than developing comprehensive

collections in all relevant areas. Decisions about what to

duplicate in paper and electronically must be made, as well as

how to cope with space issues for the materials and equipment.

Cooperative ventures are being proposed, both among academic

libraries and between academic and industrial libraries, to

share the cost and expertise required to maintain adequate

collections and services in today's rapidly changing

environment. Especially important are developments in the

document delivery area. An overview of the resources recommended

by the American Chemical Society's Committee on Professional

Training will be included in the presentation.

Academic librarians operate in an environment which is

considerably different than is typically found in government or

industry. While their libraries often are physically located in

an academic chemistry or science building, their budgets,

promotion and tenure requirements, and other factors affecting

their job performance are almost always controlled by a central

library administration. This presents challenges and

opportunities that can sometimes compete with the time needed to

provide services to their primary clientele. Further

complicating the environment is the assignment of computing

functions in academic institutions. Typically, a central

computing center has control of elements crucial to the

success of library services, such as networking. Academic

chemistry librarians must weigh all of the competing

environmental factors and develop the political skills to

effect the right balance of support from each quarter.

The development of the Internet is a crucial factor that

is revolutionizing the way information is accessed, organized,

and presented for effective retrieval. Librarians have an

important role to play in teaching about, organizing, and utilizing

the resources on the Internet. Nevertheless, there are other

factors in the computer area that have to be dealt with in

academic libraries. The rapid development of multimedia

resources for teaching chemistry is sure to compete for already

scarce resources. Incorporating new technology, while

struggling with the transformation from print to electronic

resources, presents interesting challenges for all academic

librarians, but especially academic chemistry librarians._


Thinking about Chemical Information in the next generation and trying to predict where this enormous period of change is taking us brought to mind what happens when someone tries to predict the future. One famous prognosticator said "I think there is a world market for about five computers." That was the opinion held in 1943 by Thomas J. Watson who was then Chairman of IBM. Another predictor of the future said that, "There is no reason for any person to have a computer in their home. " That is a 1972 quote by Ken Olson, President of Digital Equipment Corporation. I doubt that I am any more adept than these CEO's in predicting the future. However, I want to outline some of the issues regarding electronic information services that libraries and information centers are wrestling with as the 21st Century approaches.

Before we talk about where we are headed, I would like to step briefly back to see where we have been. Twenty years ago in 1974, access to the libraries books and journals was through a card catalog. If there were more than one library on campus, the patrons might have to go to multiple locations to see if a particular item was owned by the libraries.

At that time, the UF campus had five science branch libraries plus some science disciplines were housed in the 'main' library. Access to Chemical Abstracts was primarily through the print version, although the online CA was in its infancy and could be searched through vendors such as Dialog and Orbit. However, it was not until 1975 with the development

of tymnet and telenet that telecommunication costs were made more attractive. Moreover, few chemists, at least those at UF, were interested in paying to search the limited number of years since most libraries charged for this 'new' type of service. And the libraries themselves were just beginning to see the issues that would be theirs to deal with in the 80's and 90's.

In the past twenty years, a lot has changed, sometimes it seems like the change is taking place hourly. (For example, the Powerbook that I am using to show slides is one year old and already outdated.) Electronic sources are proliferating and most academic libraries either have or are automating their holdings and providing an online-public-access-catalog (OPAC). Chemical Abstracts has 20 plus years searchable online and there are many search features available electronically, like substructure and reaction searching, that are very difficult if not impossible in print.

Today there are many options for electronic delivery of information. The oldest of these are the online database vendors such as Dialog, STN, and Orbit. There are tape loads into the OPAC. There are electronic sources available in CD-ROM format and these can be used on stand-alone workstations or accessible through a local area network (LAN). Then there are the utilities such as OCLC and RLG that have gotten into the game of providing access to information through their computer systems. Although all of them are searchable using boolean logic, they all have a different command language which means that the library staff and patrons alike are constantly learning how to use these new products.

At the University of Florida, we have all of these options available to he patrons. We perform mediated searches, primarily on STN. In the near future,we are going to make the Dialog Classroom Instruction Program available through our LAN. We have an OPAC which has a number of indexes/abstracts and some full-text information (for example, the Florida Statutes) available through it. You can also get to Carl Uncover and the RLG Eureka databases through the UF OPAC. Currently we do not have First Search available to the public, although we do use it as an Interlibrary Loan. Finally, we have single-use workstations for CD-ROM's and two (soon to be three) library LAN's. One at the medical center, one at the legal information center and one in the main libraries system. The LAN's client/server is Novell but the main libraries LAN software is CBIS and the medical library's is SCSI Express making ease of information exchange between the two science libraries more challenging.

Much of the information we have in electronic format, we also have available in print. The question then becomes which of these sources is the most important and/or most cost efficient and which are going to continue as alternatives. The simple answer probably is all of them and which ones a particular library chooses would depends on a number of factors, an important one being the size of the academic institution and the subject areas it covers. Probably most large academic libraries will continue to have a mix of electronic products and print products for the forseeable future.

All of these products have their advantages and disadvantages.

CD-ROM advantages

CD-ROM disadvantages

What is the future of CD-ROM's? In my opinion they are an interim technology for some kinds of information sources. However some applications work well on them. Namely, small databases which cover a long run of years on one disc--Analytical Abstracts and Water Resources Abstracts are examples of this type of databases. Analytical Abstracts covers 1980 to date and WRA 1967 to date. Interestingly enough, AA in CD-ROM is very popular whereas, using the scientific dust test, the paper version was seldom, if ever, used.

Will Chemical Abstracts ever have a CD-ROM equivalent of its online database? Do we really want a CD-ROM product that is equivalent to the online version? Had I given this talk a year ago, I would have given a resounding yes to this question. Today, I am not so sure. After our experiences with Biological Abstracts, another large database, I am less enthralled with the idea of having CAS fully searchable on CD's. We have BA from 1985 to date on CD and it is equivalent to their online product. To date there are 14 discs to search and they are adding two discs per year. All fourteen discs cannot be searched at the same time, although you can search them sequentially using the same search statement. To put this on a LAN it would cost around $10,000 for the disc drives alone and around $1500 a year for additional drives for this one product. I would expect CA on CD to be at least as large as BA, if not larger.

Online Databases advantages

Online Databases disadvantages

This Spring the major emphasis of the chemistry literature class was searching electronic sources. The students were taught search strategies and search commands. Primary emphasis was given to Chemical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Science Citation Index, Analytical Abstracts, and CASSIS (for patents). The students had access to CD-ROM and online databases. The learning curve for the online products was definitely longer than for the CD-ROM's because, of course, the CD's are menu driven.

Locally mounted databases are most cost effective in places where there is heavy undergraduate use. While they are easier to search than their print counterparts, they may not have as strong a search engine or as many years of coverage as their online counterparts. The utilities, RLG and OCLC, that are now providing electronic access to indexes and abstracts have some of the same advantages as CD-ROM's; i.e., they are user friendly and menu driven and they have fixed costs. The major disadvantage is that they cover fewer years than the commercial online vendors.

For chemists who rely heavily on Chemical Abstracts, searching CA through one of the commercial vendors is the only viable electronic option. The CD access routes are limited in nature and the tapes have not been loaded into either OPAC's or by the utilities. I am sure this is due to the size and complexity of the product.


Twenty years ago academic chemistry and science librarians

were first facing the issue of inadequate budgets with which to

purchase books and journals. In the academic library world

several trends have emerged that had a significant impact on the

acquisitions issues in libraries. Those are:

  1. The concept of collection management
  2. Networking and cooperation among libraries
  3. Library automation efforts and the Internet
  4. The spread of online searching of remote databases
  5. On-site electronic products
  6. Access vs. ownership: document delivery.

1. Collection Management

In the early 1970s, academic library serials budgets were

most likely found in a single pot of money. However, the first

round of budget crises which occurred about that time forced a

radical change in the budgeting process. Individual funds were

established for all subjects and area studies, and the relevant

librarians were required to "manage" the funds. In the sciences

that usually meant attempting to control the rising costs of

serials. By canceling journals periodically, chemistry librar-

ians attempted to stem the rate of increase in the overall seri-

als costs. Duplicate copies of the most important journals were

among the early victims of that approach, as were foreign-lan-

guage journals (especially Eastern European and Far Eastern

language titles and their translations). Even with such

measures, many chemistry librarians find themselves today with

all of their acquisitions funds committed to serials and increas-

ing pressure from administrators to free up some money for book

purchases or other purposes by canceling additional serial


Table 1. Indiana University Chemistry Library Serials Cancella-


The result of two decades of successive rounds of cancella-

tion is a homogeneity of collecting profiles in most academic

science libraries. Last year, David B. Walch, Dean of Libraries

at California Polytechnic State University reported, "Five years

ago the library subscribed to 3,313 journals and paid $426,000;

today it subscribes to 2,983 journals and pays nearly $700,000,

an increase in cost of 82%. [C&RL News v. 54 no. 3 (March

1993):125] Only the most important and usually only English-lan-

guage journals are being purchased in academic science libraries

today. We have moved to a special libraries model of collection

building wherein materials are bought only to support the current

research and teaching activities. Some refer to this as the

"just-in-time' approach as opposed to the "just-in-case compre-

hensive acquisition patterns of the past.

2. Networking and Cooperation Among Libraries

One of the great success stories of 20th-century

librarianship is the development of shared cataloging systems and

the services that have grown out of them. Utilizing such re-

sources as OCLC (The Online Computer Library Center) and RLIN

(the Research Libraries Information Network), academic and other

libraries are able to minimize the costs of acquiring and

cataloging library materials by using a central source of biblio-

graphic information which is accessible to all libraries via the

computer. Not only are librarians able to share the expense of

cataloging books, journals, and other materials, they can also

see which other libraries own those materials. One of the early

requirements of OCLC and other cooperative cataloging systems was

that libraries put a marker in the database to indicate ownership

of the material, creating what in library jargon is known as a

"union list of holdings."

An outgrowth of the union list concept is the automation of

interlibrary lending and borrowing. With a centralized database

of holdings it became possible to easily identify other libraries

from which a book or photocopy of an article could be obtained.

Reciprocal borrowing agreements have proliferated among consortia

of libraries, and those libraries outside the consortia often

find it necessary to pay substantial fees for utilizing the

interlibrary loan option.

3. Library Automation Efforts and the Internet

Coincidental with the crisis in the serials budget, and some

would maintain one of the root causes for that crisis, was the

rapid development of academic library automation efforts: such

things as online public-access catalogs (OPACs), automated circu-

lation systems, automated ordering systems, and so forth. It is

obvious that the library automation efforts have competed and

continue to compete with acquisitions budgets for scarce finan-

cial resources in the overall academic budget. Nevertheless, the

development of the OPAC has placed a powerful tool in the hands

of all academic researchers and students, albeit a tool not uni-

versally applauded. An April 4, 1994 article in The New Yorker

precipitated an avalanche of commentary and debate in library

electronic discussion lists. The author decries the development

of online catalogs and mourns the subsequent demise of the tradi-

tional card catalog. While the effort to create a catalog in any

format is laudable, few librarians today would support his con-

tention that "...the real reason to keep card catalogues is

simply that they hold the irreplaceable intelligence of the

librarians who worked on them." [p. 86] The vastly increased

utility of today's OPACs makes the continued maintenance of a

card catalog unthinkable, given a modicum of faith in the perma-

nence of its electronic counterpart.

Twenty years ago, a chemist at Indiana University would have

had difficulty learning whether a needed item not held by the

Chemistry Library was in one of the other science libraries on

campus. Now the OPAC at Indiana University not only tells wheth-

er the book is in the Biology Library or other collections at

Bloomington. It also tells whether the book is charged out, on

reserve, missing, or held by a library at one of the other seven

IU campuses throughout the state.

The Internet, providing a fast and cheap communications link

among libraries, has tremendously broadened the scope of re-

sources available. A library user's search for a needed item is

no longer restricted to the local library's online catalog of

holdings. The Internet has brought us direct access to the

catalogs of the finest chemistry collections in the world.

Recent developments are geared toward simultaneous searches of

multiple catalogs. An extension of the Interlibrary Loan func-

tion is user-initiated borrowing of materials from remote li-

braries, with the materials being delivered directly to the

requester. In addition, the Internet provides access to a grow-

ing body of specialized databases of interest to chemists, for

example, the Buckyball Database.

4. The Spread of Online Searching of Remote Databases

Chemistry was one of the first disciplines to benefit from

the development of online bibliographic databases. Since the

early days of the 1970s, it has been possible to search Chemical

Abstracts interactively through vendors of database services such

as DIALOG and ORBIT, and later, Questel, BRS, and STN Interna-

tional. Initially, academic libraries attempted to bill such

searches to the holders of research grants, and many still do so.

However, as more and more databases became available in the

humanities and social sciences, a dilemma arose. Many of the

potential users of database services in those areas had no ready

source of money to pay the online searching bills. This led

academic libraries to re-think the funding mechanism for online

searching and move toward subsidies for the search costs. The

only ready source of money was the acquisitions budget, even

though tapping into this source further diluted the funds avail-

able to buy books and journals.

Online searching of databases through remote vendors had

several advantages and one distinct and troubling disadvantage.

As time progressed, the amount of information available in data-

bases such as Chemical Abstracts grew tremendously. The number

of more specialized scientific databases, e.g., Analytical Ab-

stracts, also grew in number, and vendors competed to provide a

battery of databases most suited to their clientele. They also

introduced special search features designed to lure clients to

their systems and keep them there. The online search vendors

flourished and eventually sought ways to entice the end-user into

their client group.

The troubling feature of online database searching is, of

course, the open-ended nature of its costs. Academic chemistry

librarians have often had to struggle to convince wary adminis-

trators that the huge cost of maintaining a full print subscrip-

tion to Chemical Abstracts was justified. But that struggle

seems like a pillow fight compared to the combat required to gain

a blank check for unlimited searching of the CA database. Even

with the incentive of an 80 or 90 percent discount on search

costs as found in the STN International CAS ONLINE Academic

Program, online costs can escalate far more rapidly than the

inflation rate of journals. A comparison of the print costs of

CA and the costs of searching the CA databases by end-users and

library staff at Indiana University illustrates the point.

Table 2. Costs of Printed Chemical Abstracts (Full Subscription)

and Online Searching of the STN International CAS ONLINE Academic

Program at Indiana University (Bloomington)

5. On-site Electronic Products

Faced with the uncertainty of online searching cost in-

creases, academic librarians sought database search options with

fixed costs. In the early 1990s, the most popular options in

academic libraries are networking of CD-ROM products and in-house

mounting of databases.

CD-ROM versions of bibliographic and numeric databases

appeared in ever-increasing numbers in the sciences since their

introduction in the mid-1980s. Eventually licenses were de-

veloped to allow mounting the products on networks and to permit

multiple simultaneous searching of the databases. Note the word

"license" because in most instances libraries lease CD-ROM

products. The publishers do not sell them to libraries.

It was not always clear that the cost of the hardware and

software and of the personnel necessary to make such a system

function smoothly was factored into the comparisons when such

decisions were made in academic libraries. Nevertheless, CD-ROMs

are major components of the information products found in most

academic libraries today. Although searching of the CD-ROM

products is much slower than online access through traditional

vendors, is restricted to one or a few sites, and often is not as

up-to-date as the vendors' online offerings, those faults are

viewed as acceptable given the unknown cost of online searching.

Also deemed acceptable for the sake of cost control is the need

to cope with the various search languages utilized by different

producers of the CD-ROM products and the requirement in some CD-

ROM products to repeat the search strategy again and again when

the information need spans several years. For example, each

search of the Science Citation Index CD-ROM which covers more

than one year requires the user to re-run the search in each

successive year.

Mounting of databases locally was thought to be an attrac-

tive option as hardware costs declined dramatically in recent

years. Once again the prime inducement was the fixed cost of the

tape lease offered by some database producers. Many academic

libraries opted to mount databases for searching with the same

search engine used for their online catalogs. This eliminated a

major drawback to CD-ROM networks--the problem of different

search software for different databases. However, many of the

sophisticated search techniques of the online vendors, painstak-

ingly developed through years of thorough analysis of database

structure and responses to user needs, were unavailable to

searchers. Here again, it is doubtful that ongoing costs of

local personnel and computer equipment were fully understood in

the implementation of local online searching systems.

Thus, we find ourselves in mid-1994 with no fully satisfac-

tory way to provide users of machine-readable databases a good

fixed-cost alternative to the open-ended cost of online searching

on remote vendors' systems.

6. Access vs. Ownership: Document Delivery

CD-ROM databases, online remote databases, linked library

catalogs--all have combined to provide the library user with

access to the bibliographic records of the world's chemical

literature. The real flaw in the information cycle has been and

continues to be document delivery: obtaining the primary source

document in a timely manner, utilizing whatever source provides

the best service. In this context, "best" is relative and very

dependent on whether the item is urgently needed or a delay in

delivery is tolerable.

A lot of experimentation with commercial document delivery

services has taken place in academic libraries in the past five

years. There seems to be a growing consensus that commercial

document delivery services are no more reliable for the less-

easily obtained material than is traditional interlibrary loan.

Telefacsimile has figured heavily in academic libraries'

assessments of document delivery as an alternative to ownership

of material. For many scientific articles, today's Group III FAX

simply does not provide the resolution needed by scientists. An

alternative to FAX is the Ariel software developed by the Re-

search Libraries Group. While Ariel does produce a copy superior

to FAX, the technology has not been widely embraced by academic

libraries. On a recent trip to the University of Minnesota

Biomedical Library, a very major supplier of journal copies for a

large region of the country, it was learned that only about 4

Ariel requests are filled each month.

Something new is needed in the realm of document delivery,

something which can divorce us from the copy machine, but not wed

us to a collection of documents limited to a single publisher's

or document vendor's holdings. Academic library directors con-

tinue to dream of the great virtual library in the sky, the

seamless collection without bounds, accessible to all of the in-

group in their particular consortium of libraries at minimal

cost. Unfortunately, the technology is simply not available

today to make access an acceptable alternative to ownership for

the core journals in chemistry. Perhaps the confusion over the

copyright in an electronic age will be clarified with the impend-

ing re-write of the 1978 U.S. Copyright Law. Until that time, we

are likely to continue our futile attempts at maintenance of the

status quo in the collection development arena.


More and more of the academic chemistry librarian's time and

efforts are going toward teaching and training both students and

faculty. While the question of whether every chemist should know

how to search databases may have no definitive answer, the

general consensus seems to be that chemists should at least learn

the basics necessary for "quick and dirty" searching of the major

resources. This degree of competency does not conflict with the

expectations of industrial information specialists who prefer

that complex searching be left to the highly skilled database

searchers in the information units. Thus, the librarian must

learn an increasing number of sophisticated electronic products

and develop or adopt teaching materials for those tools. With

the advent of the Internet, the task is ever more complex as the

world's information resources begin to open up.

There are two approaches generally taken in academic chemis-

try departments for the teaching of chemical information

resources. One is to integrate the instruction and use of appro-

priate tools into relevant classes. The second approach is to

have formal instruction in a separate course devoted to informa-

tion sources in chemistry. Either method is acceptable to the

American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training

(CPT) which sanctions undergraduate instructional programs in

chemistry departments.

The CPT has published a list of journals which are evaluated

during the certification process. The 1992 guidelines require

the institution to hold 20 or more refereed journals and to

submit a list if there are less than 31 such subscriptions. For

the first time in 1983 there was a separate section in the CPT

guidelines on "Chemical Literature and Information Retrieval."

However, the committee has not gone so far as to specify in

detail the secondary information tools with which it expects

undergraduate chemistry majors to have come into contact in the

course of their studies.

Whatever the setting of chemical information instruction, it

is probably best to form a partnership between teaching faculty

and librarians to develop the desired student interactions with

the appropriate tools. In doing so, the educational background

and skills of the librarian should be closely matched to the

skills needed by the target group. Tough decisions must be made

about whether to include print materials in the instruction, and

if so, to what degree. Increasingly, there is a need for good

computer teaching facilities and equipment for both demonstra-

tions and hands-on training.

The call is often heard in library circles for "information

literacy." As defined by the American Library Association,

"To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize

when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evalu-

ate, and use effectively the needed information. Producing such

a citizenry will require that schools and colleges appreciate and

integrate the concept of information literacy into their learning

programs and that they play a leadership role in equipping indi-

viduals and institutions to take advantage of the opportunities

inherent with the information society. Ultimately, information

literate people are those who have learned how to learn. They

know how to learn because they know how knowledge is organized,

how to find information, and how to use information in such a way

that others can learn from them." (ALA, January 1989)

Chemistry is ahead of most disciplines in its attempts to

impart information literacy to its practioners, but consderable

work remains to be done before we have universal chemical infor-

mation literacy.


Changes in academic chemistry librarianship in the next five

years are likely to move us toward a model in which the physical

location of a needed resource is far less important than it is

today. Research and developments in bioinformatics point the way

for the future of chemical information. With impetus from the

Human Genome Project, the bioinformatics approach is to develop a

consensus knowledge base of peer-reviewed information created in

an electronic environment and to follow principles of knowledge

management to best utilize the database. In that context the

electronic resources are mounted throughout the world and li-

braries serve as conduits to and facilitators of the use of those

resources. The Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instruc-

tional Material provides a starting point at which chemistry

librarians could examine the existing instructional material and

collaboratively "publish" a collection of recommended materials

for various levels of instruction. Another application for chem-

ists might be a collaborative electronic review serial with

automatic links to the original documents under review.

With the development of Mosaic and other tools for navigat-

ing the Internet, we are poised on the threshold of an unprece-

dented new stage of scientific scholarly communication. The

world is becoming our library, and chemistry librarians must

embrace these new tools as extensions of resources we have dealt

with for years. The popularity of such finding tools as the

Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Directories

shows the need for more involvement by librarians in bringing

some order to the chaos of riches currently available on the


Something must change soon in the financial structure of

academic library collection building. Brian L. Hawkins, Vice

President of Academic Planning and Administration at Brown Uni-

versity, recently noted that "If current trends continue, then by

the year 2026, the acquisitions budgets of our finest libraries

will have only 20 percent of the buying power they had forty-five

years earlier." ["Planning for the National Electronic Library,"

Educom Review v. 29 no. 3 (May/June 1994): 19-29; p. 22] The

author states that the collective acquisitions budgets of U.S.

college and university libraries is somewhere in excess of $1

billion annually. He suggests that each school should donate

1/10 of its acquisitions budget to provide institutional access

to Internet resources, thus avoiding complex charging algorithms

and the need for passwords. By working with publishers to devel-

op models for national and international site licenses, Hawkins

feels that nearly universal access moves into the realm of possi-


What may happen in the future is the formation of alliances

between primary publishers and secondary information services

(abstracting and indexing services) to provide access to elec-

tronic resources. Publishers of primary scientific journals are

very leery of the Internet and extremely reluctant to make the

texts of their journals accessible in forms that allow the text

to be easily manipulated by a computer. They would prefer to

maintain the control and access to such data.

The code necessary to create a link between abstracting and

indexing records and the full-texts of journal articles already

exists. It is the SICI, the Serials Item and Contribution Iden-

tifier (ANSI/NISO Z39.56-1991). Since December 1993, all arti-

cles entered into the UnCover database carry SICI codes. One can

easily envision a client/server application wherein the primary

journal publisher contracts with the A&I services to provide a

gateway (and possibly a billing service) for their products. The

searcher who decides to retrieve the full text of an article

would simply pass the SICI for the item to one of the major

online vendors which handles the publication. Once the request

is made, the item is sent direct to the end-user over the Inter-

net. There could also be an option to deposit the item in the

user's home library storage facility as well. In this manner, a

futuristic version of the collection development function would

evolve that puts the ordering function in the hands of the ulti-

mate user and provides for a distributed archive of knowledge.

Clearly the ball has been dropped by online search vendors

and database producers when they stubbornly clung to the per-

transaction cost basis for online searching. Academic libraries

are unwilling and unable to fund computer-based searching which

has no cap on the costs. As we move toward the 21st century, we

must find a pricing model which allows an equitable profit margin

for all the players involved while satisfying academic budget
